Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Saddle Sore the Next Day

T and I took the kids down to my cousin Shelly's for lunch a few Sunday's ago and we got to spend the afternoon riding this beautiful and well behaved horse named Max. Lilly had a ball! She loves horses and is always talking about how much she wants one, so hopefully this will be enough get her buy for a while. And yes I did ride Max around the yard, I didn't just get on to pose for the picture. However, it's been many a year since this cowboy had seen a saddle for any length of the following Monday was an interesting one.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Ballerina

I finally did it. I signed Lilly up for her first 'extra-curricular' activity. I took her on Saturday to try out the dance class and she absolutely loved it! Of course, our shy daughter, was the first to answer questions and volunteer to try out the steps. Andy and Dad stayed home, so I think this will be perfect mother-daughter time. Here are some pictures of her in her ballet shoes and tap shoes. She said she likes ballet better, so Great Grandma Snook will be thrilled! Stay tuned, I'm sure I'll have more pictures and video of our budding star!

Look at that form, and she seems to get so high on her toes already!

Seriously, she looks so grown up here. What has happened to my baby?!?! Sorry, just had to have a moment there....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Corn on the Cob

I don't know why, but both our children love corn on the cob. And at such a young age! I have pictures of Lilly about this age eating it too. I guess I should just be glad it's a vegetable! We loved this picture, so had to add it too.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just because we like to laugh...

Michael here, this is my first post, so be kind!!

Okay, Lilly and I like to sit around and watch TV together. And one of our favorite shows is the original Muppets Show. Recently they have actually been coming out with DVD collections of the first few seasons. Well Lilly and I are now the proud owners of the first 3 seasons and we love to watch and re-watch the episodes. Last night I was surfing the net just looking around and thought that I would look the Muppets up on This short by Beaker was Lilly and I's favorite of the night. Hope you like it too. Just follow the link.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Grunting Duo

So here's my first try at video. I don't know if I'll like this or not....but here goes.

On our vacation to Branson this summer, we spent most evenings just hanging out at the condo. Here's a funny video of the kids on night that Cara and I shot. Enjoy!

One For Good Measure

Both our kids are very good eaters. They aren't picky, they eat just about anything we want to put in front of them. Including tomatos, of which Michael and I neither like. But we've tried to encourage them to try everything and not force our likes and dislikes on them. But here of late, Lilly has been bargaining with us on bites and how many she has to eat at each meal. Now that she's four, we make her take 4 bites of whatever it is we're eating. And then just for fun one day, I said "4 bites and one for good measure". She just giggled and smiled. Who would have guessed that I could use this old saying to make Lilly eat one more bite. So now we do "one for good measure" on anything and everything I think it will work with. Ah, the joys of finding a new 'tool' in my mommy toolbox.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Novice at Work

My friend Megan has been trying to get me to do this for several months now, after I have praised her several times on her blog! I love it and I think this will be a great tool for our family and friends to view pictures and videos of the kids. They're growing so fast and what a great way to capture all the funny things they say and do.

Hang with me while Michael and I learn how to use it!