Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Saddle Sore the Next Day

T and I took the kids down to my cousin Shelly's for lunch a few Sunday's ago and we got to spend the afternoon riding this beautiful and well behaved horse named Max. Lilly had a ball! She loves horses and is always talking about how much she wants one, so hopefully this will be enough get her buy for a while. And yes I did ride Max around the yard, I didn't just get on to pose for the picture. However, it's been many a year since this cowboy had seen a saddle for any length of the following Monday was an interesting one.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael, you two look good on that horse. I think you should start taking Lilly out to Denise and Mike's. Especially when Kelby is there, too. He'd get a real kick out of teaching her. He sure is good with Josey. Guess he's had good teachers.
So, you were a little sore on Mon.?
I hope you keep it up. Would be good for you and Denise, too. Love, MOM